Monitored Events

Monitored Events

This page describes all events that are monitored by User Activity.

All Events

  • Event time
  • User name
  • Workstation name
  • Boolean flag - the event was sent to the server automatically or forced by 'send now' button in UACA
  • Running processes (monitored by UACA)

    • Process name
    • PID
  • Applications (monitored by UACA and plug-ins)

    • Monitored application name
    • Monitored application version
    • Monitored application session ID
    • UACA started/resumed (monitored by UACA)

    • Web (monitored by web browser plug-ins)

      • Url
      • Tab

        • Type: switch to / open / close
        • Tab ID
      • Document save

        • Document name
      • Bookmark creation

        • Bookmark name
      • Navigation

        • Type: link / URL bar / bookmark / other
        • Tab ID
    • IDE (monitored by IDE plug-ins)

      • Solution name / workspace name
      • Project name
      • Commit (Git) / Check-in (TFS)

        • Changeset ID
        • RCS server URL
        • RCS server type (Git / TFS)
      • Find

        • Searched text
        • Search options
        • Number of searched files
        • Search results
          • Line
          • Column
          • Line text
          • Searched document
            • Local path
            • RCS path
            • Changeset ID
            • Branch
      • Code

        • Type: paste from web / selection changed / paste / copy / cut
        • Text
        • Start line / column
        • End line / column
        • Web URL (paste from web)
        • Document
          • Local path
          • RCS path
          • Changeset ID
          • Branch
      • Document

        • Type: switch to / add / open / close / remove / save / rename
        • Document
          • Local path
          • RCS path
          • Changeset ID
          • Branch
      • Project

        • Type: switch to / add / remove / rename / open / close / refresh
      • State change change

        • State type (IDE specific) - e.g.: debug / build / desing...
    • Executed Bash Commands (monitored through bash history)

      • Command line
      • Command ID